Sarah Sunzu's Articles In History
June 20, 2004 by Sarah Sunzu
Section VI. Military Force vis-à-vis Other Options and Considerations The Balkans, Chechnya, East Timor, Somalia, Rwanda and Iraq have shown the limited capacity of the major powers to deploy forces relevant to keeping the peace and rebuilding states shattered by civil war. Civil affairs capabilities have proven to be almost non existent. Keeping the peace requires soldiers to act like policemen, a job for which they are ill prepared and ill equipped. Yet, an effort to create an i...
June 22, 2004 by Sarah Sunzu
Section IX. Enhanced Third Generation Warfare: The Warfare of Rapid Maneuver When confronted with a well-armed opponent in conventional formations, the temptation might be to try to engage and defeat him in a decisive battle, under the assumption that if one wins and enough of one’s forces survive, one can then have one’s way with his country and people. This notion of “bringing the enemy to battle” and defeating him as the goal of war characterizes first and second generati...
July 7, 2004 by Sarah Sunzu
Understanding Iraq/Saudi War- Insurgency as 4GW, by Jacques Dessalines The Wars We Live: Beyond Iraq Strategies - Insurgency and 4GW True Comprehension of The Grand Strategies of the Key Players -- and the Forces They Represent -- is nowhere to be found... There are many secrets... and plans that only a select few on each of the many sides have privy to. Section I. INTRODUCTION: The Stages of Ruling Class Control Mechanisms The ruling class employs three phases of escalation to con...
June 29, 2004 by Sarah Sunzu
4GW - INSURGENCY and SURVIVAL Making the Insane Crazy & the Downtrodden Invincible Key Words: Fourth Generation Warfare - Insurgents - 4GW - Sun Tzu - John Boyd – Imperialism – War - Clash of Civilizations - Maneuver Warfare - Improvised Weapons - Guerrilla Warfare - US National Security Threats – Intelligence - Espionage - Sabotage - Assassination - Energy Vulnerability - Fifth Generation Warfare - Blackmail - Disrupting Alliances - al Qaeda - Iraqi Resistance - High-Tech Sensors ...